Friday, February 27, 2009

Worst Bulls loss I've ever witnessed

February 27, 2009.

I'm going to remember this day as the day I couldn't be more embarrassed to be a Bulls fan. Let me explain why this is the worst Bulls loss I've ever witnessed. It is not just the game but other things as well. The Bulls faced the NBA's worst team with President Obama in attendance on the day after Chicago icons Norm Van Lier and Johnny "Red" Kerr died. And despite all this, the Bulls lose by a large margin. Makes me sick.

Goodbye to Norm Van Lier and Johnny "Red" Kerr

It was a sad day for me yesterday when I found out Norm Van Lier had died. I felt just as sad this morning when I learned that Johnny "Red" Kerr had died as well. May they rest in peace and God bless their friends and family.